Privacy policy

This document is the description of the privacy policy of Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman. It defines the principles, objectives, method of processing and use of data and information from customers and users of websites, as well as the scope of the data collected. We recommend that you read the policy carefully. By visiting the website or using it and providing your personal data, the user accepts the terms and conditions of this privacy policy.


1. Principles of personal data protection

1.1 Bearing in mind the nature, scope, context and the objectives and purposes or processing as well as the risk of violating the rights or freedom of third parties, Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman exercises special care so that all the personal data is processed in compliance with the purpose for which it has been collected, and used appropriately to the extent of the grated consents (permits) and the processing areas permitted by law.

1.2 The Controller of the personal data is Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman entered into the National Court Register kept by The Mayor of The City of Warsaw on 1995-04-03 under the number Regon: 010940830, NIP: 113-020-88-11.

1.3 All the personal data entrusted or provided, is processed in a manner compliant with the legal regulations, in particular in accordance with the legal act dated 18 July 2002 on provision of services by electronic means (Dz. U. journal of laws No. 144, item 1204), telecommunications law (Dz. U. journal of laws from 2004, No. 171, item 1800), including in accordance with the scope of the consent given by the customer and in accordance with the Resolution of the Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing directive 95/46/WE (hereinafter: GDPR).

1.4 Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman has adopted and implemented an internal personal data protection Policy, in compliance with the GDPR provisions.

1.5 In case it is needed to provide the personal data to the countries outside of the European Economic Area (“third countries”), then before the data of the user is handed over, Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman will make sure that the recipient of the data will provide appropriate protection of the rights of the user and the appropriate level of protection of the personal data – that is meeting the requirements resulting from the laws of the European Union.


2. Procedures for safety and storage of information

2.1 Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman ensures the security of personal data through appropriate technical and organizational measures aiming at preventing unlawful data processing and their accidental loss, destruction and damage.

2.2 Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman takes care so that the collected personal data is:

  • correct, accurate and processed legally,
  • processed with obeying the rights bestowed with the persons to whom this data relates, including in compliance with the right to restrict disclosure;
  • obtained only for specific purposes and not processed further in a manner that is not in compliance with those purposes;
  • adequate and within the scope necessary to achieve the objective, in accordance with the principle of minimising personal data;
  • stored safely and not longer than necessary;


3. Purposes and period of using the personal data:

3.1 The personal data will be collected by the Controller for the purpose and within the scope necessary to:

  • feedback to the queries generated by forms/questionnaires;
  • execute and optimise projects/services and orders;
  • technical [issues], related to the server administration;
  • marketing of own products or data controller services;

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the communication with an individual user will be limited to the individual consents of the user for the period necessary for the implementation of selected objectives, and after this period for purposes and for the period and to the extent required by law or to secure possible claims.

In addition, some transmission data (in particular IP addresses) are used to collect general, statistical demographic information (e.g. about the region from which the connection takes place).

3.2 The entrusted personal data will be stored for a period not longer than it is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. After this period, the data will be deleted.


4. Data Collection

4.1 Personal data is collected through:

  • online application forms – information is collected through the forms available on the website, which serve, among others for contact purposes, submitting queries, making comments, signing up for webinars, workshops, conferences, equipment failure notifications, queries about quotes, subscribing to newsletters;
  • direct contact – the website contains telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses, at which Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman can be contacted;


5. Cookies

5.1 When using the website, information is collected on the users by means of “cookies”, i.e. small files saved on the user’s computer, for storing settings and other information used on the website the user visits – in order to adapt the content and services to the individual needs and preferences of the website user. The user may at any time disable the option of accepting cookies in their browser.

5.2 uses cookies which allow to:

  • adapt the content of advertisements displayed on the website,
  • measure user traffic on pages,
  • use the mechanism of a survey examining user preferences,
  • remember the lack of consent to display certain content in the future,
  • measure the effectiveness (conversion tracking) of the actions conducted for the benefit of Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman,
  • match the content of ads displayed on the advertising network (remarketing),
  • establish, maintain and manage a user session, as well as remember preferences.


6. Rights of the user

6.1 Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman takes into account the right of each person to control the processing of their personal data contained in the data files, in particular the right to request the data controller to rectify, erase data or restrict the processing of the data. Therefore each user who made their personal data available, can review it, modify or remove this data.

6.2 The User has the right to object at any time to further processing of their personal data for marketing purposes.

6.3 The User uses their rights by sending a letter to the data controller, with the User’s requests.

6.4 The User has the right to receive, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, their personal data that he had provided to the controller and has the right to send this data to another controller, without any obstacles from Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman.

6.5 The User can use their right to information. At the request of the user referring to their personal data, the data controller is obliged to provide an answer containing the required information, within 30 days.

6.6. The user has the right to access the data which they provided to the controller.


7. Contact on matters related to the protection of personal data

In case of any queries or doubts related to the processing of data by Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman, do not hesitate to contact:

Email address:

Postal address: Tylko Ona Danuta Cymerman, ul. Dzielna 9a, 01-023 Warszawa.